#this is cranked my dude
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dysfunctional-doodle · 11 months ago
i got bored so… two many turtles chapters 1 and 2 but i translated it badly! (mostly grammar and tense issues (and a bit of a struggle with making up chat and usernames)
Za Dużo Żółwi
1: Zaczynamy Chaos
>>Wojojo Żółwie Ninini <<
to był tylko mały pożar nie wiem czemu panikujesz kolo
no wiesz
taki malutki ogień!!
jako inny mikey współczuję
Wszyscy jesteście okropnym przykładem
Mikey to był duży pożar??!!!
hhhnnngg nie
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: Większą część kamery zajmuje płonące złomowisko. W tle widać Leo, który bierze sobie selfie, i Mikey, który rzuca więcej śmieci do ognia. Mikey jest trochę zamazany, jego uśmiech bardziej dziki w świetle ognia. W zdjęciu nie ma Rapha.]
Jestem taki dumny
Ten pożar był o wiele mniejszy jak tam byłem
Powiedziałeś mi że wypuszczasz???
Nie wiem czemu myślałeś że Mikey zrobi co mu kazałeś, w jakimkolwiek wszechświecie.
Ale nie spodziewałem się że Leo dołączy.
a to ma być pożar?
Błagam cię nie zachęcaj ich
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: ten sam obraz co wcześniej, tylko że tym razem, ogony maski Leo płoną. Leo jeszcze nie zauważył, i pozuje dla kamery.]
Mam mu powiedzieć
zrób wideo
Co możesz mi zaoferować @~~Elektro~~
Nic nie powiedz, chcę zobaczyć co się stanie.
Dla nauki.
Ratuj go???
ugaś go jak umrze
@Bootyyyshaker9000 discord nitro może?
Boga się nie boicie
bóg nie istnieje, zabiłem go
nie prawda
ja jestem bogiem
ja też jestem bogiem
Zabij mnie
Jak właściciel mózgu poproszę cię, żebyś nie pozwolił mu spalić się na śmierć @Bootyyyshaker9000
No bo wiesz
To nie byłoby miłe
Ten groupchat istnieje tylko kilka dni, a już nazwałeś wszystkich tchórzami
Wybacz, to moja wina.
Bawiłem się z bronią międzywymiarową która dostałem od tych małych chłopców i bum
Malutki naukowy przypadek
Nie jestem geniuszem ale nie powiedziałbym że tworzenie podróbkę discorda z naszymi klonami to nie malutki naukowy przypadek
Nie kwestionuj nauki!
Nie kwestionuj nauki!
Nie kwestionuj nauki, śmiertelniku
Brakowało mi więcej nerdów w moim życiu
@ZjadłbyMózg Żałujesz że zjadłeś swój mózg?
Czy ktoś zgasił ten pożar?
@Mądrala Gdzie powiedziałem że to był mój mózg
czy smakowało
Nawet nie będę się pytał
Czy Niebieski jest okej???
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: Pożar szybko rośnie, Leo mruży oczy i spogląda na aparat w telefonie, gdy płomienie na jego masce rosną.]
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: To samo co wcześniej, tylko że teraz oczy od Lea są komicznie wielkie gdy zauważył jego płomienną maskę .]
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: Zamazany obraz Leo kręcącego się wokół, w połowie krzyku, gdy zdejmuje maskę. Mikey krzyczy w tle.]
Nareszcie zauważył.
@ChcęMózg piszesz jak stary dziadek iksde
Czemu to szkoda że przeżył?
Mam się martwić??
po prostu go nie lubię
Donnie lepiej uciekaj
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: Mikey z ramionami owiniętymi wokół Leo. Oboje uśmiechają się do kamery, oboje są wyraźnie opaleni, ale poza tym nic im nie jest. Leo nie ma ubranej maski, a w tle nadal widać ogień.]
@Bootyyyshaker9000 o kurwa zmywaj stąd
Nie ujdzie ci to na sucho
Wasza kara będzie tak długa, że w połowie będziecie martwi
nie fair
prawie zginąłem a ty chcesz mnie ukarać??
Nie ma o co się martwić, szansa twojej śmierci była mała!
to nie pomogło
No nie wiem, szlabany nie działają dla mnie i moimi braćmi
Normalnie i tak wychodzimy??
Nie pochlebiaj sobie przychodzisz tylko bo cię zmuszamy
Nie jesteś fajny
Jak ja
*jak my
Dla nas podobnie jest
Próbuje przez kilka dni ale gdy słyszę wszystkie plany które klują to nie mogę się powstrzymać
A właśnie dla tego tylko chcesz mózg
Stary Leo dosłownie musi być zmuszony żeby złamać zasady
*szept* on nie jest bardzo zabawny, prawda?
spierdalaj @ChcęMózg
Mam wyjąć sprej w butelce?
Powiedziałeś że się tego pozbyłeś!!
Sorki, ale wszechświętne granice to powstrzymują
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: butelka która wygląda przynajmniej dziesięć lat stara, dekorowana brokatem i naklejkami. Dużymi, niestabilnymi literami widnieje na nim niebieski znacznik „SPRAJ DLA ZLYCH BRATAH”. Pismo wygląda jak dzieło małego dziecka.]
@MaMózg na prawdę to wierzyłeś?
Dalej go mam
No, dosłownie czuję się jak opiekuje się kotami z wścieklizną. Kiedy których z nich mnie denerwuje, psikam im tym sprejem
Przywileje starszego brata
Warto wypróbować
Nie mam wścieklizny
Nie zgadzam się
Oprócz Mikey’a najbardziej przypominasz zdziczałego kota
W takich chwilach życzę żebym miał takie coś!
*smutne żółwie dźwięki*
Myślałem że lubicie wodę?
Przynajmniej ty, jesteś suwakiem, prawda?
Właściwie, jestem pewny że @WSZECHŚWIAT_03 lubią wodę? Jak to jest skuteczne?
liczy się motyw
Nie jesteśmy kotami
Kocham wodę ale
Powtarzam, okrucieństwo
@ChcęMózg raportuje cię do PETA
jesteś przejebany iksde iksde iksde
Jako młodszym bratem, nie podobają mi się te przywileje starszego brata
Zgadzam się
Donnie też się zgadza po prostu się chowa od czerwonego
Znęcanie nie jest fajne
Raphael przestań organizować bunty
G��osuje żeby obalić wszystkich Leo.
Bliźniaki???? Ci dwaj???
Ja pierdole
A ja myślałem że bycie bliźniakami z Mikeyem było złe
Raphie jest moim bliźniakiem
Co proszę
>>wyciszony czat<<
Czyj Mikey krzyczy na kanale głosowym ASMR od trzech godzin bez przerwy, czy mógłbyś go wyciągnąć?
Proszę wybaczyć, to mój
Zastanawiałem się, dlaczego był taki cichy
To jest trzeci raz w czterech dniach.
Prosze kontrolować twojego Mikeya albo będę musiał użyć forsy
Nie martw się, zajmę się tym.
>>ASMR Żółwie!<<
[Mikey krzyczy do mikrofonu tak głośno jak tylko może. Jego głos waha się od wysokich pisków po niskie piski, a wszystkie zgrzytliwe dźwięki są zniekształcane przez mikrofon. Mikey milczy przez chwilę, po czym mówi:
“Chcesz żebym przyniósł mój kot do mikrofonu?” się pyta, i, nie czekając na odpowiedź, zaczyna głośno miauczeć. Jest taki głośny że które niemal zagłuszają wściekły krzyk dochodzący z oddali.
Słychać walenie. Mikey krzyczy.
“Co ty pierdzielisz?!” warczy niski głos.
“Hej, Raphie! To tylko trochę relaksującego ASMR! Chciałbyś –“
Słyszeć huk i krzyk.
“Trzy godziny!”
“Ale to jest śmieszne –“
“Wracaj, gówniarzu!”
Z dalszej odległości nad mikrofonem słychać głośny trzask, po którym następuje kilka głośnych wrzasków. Słychać warczenie Rapha i brzmi to tak, jakby w pomieszczeniu przewrócono wiele rzeczy. Walka stale zwiększa głośność i chaos, aż rozbrzmiewa ostry głos.
“Co się tu dzieje?! Co mówiłem o walczeniu w pokojach?!”
Głos jest niski i władczy. Trzaski i huki ustają tylko na chwilę, po czym następuje głośny huk – brzmiący podejrzanie, jakby Mikey właśnie został rzucony o ścianę.
Dźwięki walki wracają dwa razy głośniej niż wcześniej; Krzyknięcia “PRZESTAŃ!” i “NIE GRYŹ GO!” od Lea tylko gorsząc sprawę.
Kolejne szczególnie głośny łomot i chrząknięcie. Leo warczy.
“Czy ty mnie uderzyłeś?”
“To był Raph!”
“Okej, prosisz się o to –“ Leo syczy. Mikey krzyczy blisko mikrofonu gdy Leo dołącza do walki. W oddali słychać inny, wyższy głos (prawdopodobnie Donniego) błagający, aby przestali, „ponieważ rujnujecie kanał ASMR, wy neandertalczycy!”
“Hej Raph –“ Po minucie kolejnych trzasków rozbrzmiewa zuchwały, gruby głos i wrzeszczy. „Zastanawiałem się, czy nie chciałbyś kogoś pobić – czekaj, walczymy?!
“Casey, nie!”
Dźwięk zostaje nagle przerwany po odgłosie tłuczonego szkła.]
>>wyciszony czat<<
Co to było
Moje uszy
O mój borze
Myślę, że właśnie przeszedłem przez wszystkie pierścienie piekła na raz
2: Komora Izolacyjna
>> Wojojo Żółwie Ninini <<
Czy ktoś mi da roztopiony wosk planuje eksperyment kulinarny
Zły chat
zapomni o tym
jaaaaa cie brzmisz jak dziadek stary leo
wyobraź interpunkcję
nie ja
I oto miałem zamiar ogłosić pewne aktualizacje serwera
Ale teraz się martwię dlaczego pytasz się o roztopiony wosk
Ignoruj to proszę chcę słyszeć o aktualizacji!!!!!111!!
Nie nie ja chcę wiedzieć o roztopionym wosku
Brzmi jak coś mój Donnie by próbował gotować
Nie docienasz nauki przed moich eksperymentów, Leo.
Uważaj co mówisz
Zabiorę ci mózg
Przepraszam, o wielki przywódco
czy wyczuwam… sarkazm? Od Donniego?
Mikey, radzę ci trzymać się z daleka od tej domowej kłótni, zanim uznam, że nie warto dzisiaj naprawić twojej konsoli do gier
mam twój roztopiony wosk i casey powiedział że przyniesie proch strzelniczy jeśli pozwolimy mu oglądać
ŻE CO???
Zostałem wezwany, kiedy widziałem dyskusje na temat eksplozji, drodzy bracia naprzemienni. W czym mogę pomóc?
Nie zmuszaj mnie, żebym umieścił cię w więzieniu powietrznym Donnie
Nie zachęcaj go błagam
Przynajmniej Mikey nie widział tej konwersacji
Mikey pamiętasz naszą rozmowę?
Zabij mnie
Czy on zawsze żartuje o śmierci?
Zdziwiłbyś się
Gdy nie robi głupich, niebezpiecznych decyzji to robi to -_-
Moje decyzje nie są niebezpieczne
Ostatnim tygodniu chciałeś skoczyć z wieżowca na autobus bez jakiegoś spadochronu żeby oddać portfel jakieś baby
umieram sksksk
typowy leo
nie rób tego.
Każdej sekundzie kiedy tu jestem, umieram trochę w środku
dołącz do nas
dołącz do nas
Dołącz do nas
Dołącz do nas
dołącz do nas
dołącz do nas
Okej wystarczy mi kultu Mikey’ego na jeden dzień
Ogłoszenie, Donnie?
[Nagrywanie Głosu]
[Bardzo głośny, długi nagranie Mikey’a wydającego dźwięk pierdzenia ustami.]
Bardzo przepraszam
Ciągle robi siarę
@ZgóbiłMózg a ty się dziwisz dlaczego od prawie roku nie dostałeś mózgu
[Nagrywanie Głosu]
[Dłuższy i głośniejszy dźwięk pierdzenia.]
Przysięgam pewnego dnia wyrwę mu język
Nie ma potrzeby, mam rozwiązanie!
>@ZgóbiłMózg był wysłany do Komory Izolacji przez @Mądrala na 120 minut<
zabrano nam mikey’a!!!
Nie mam pojęcia co to było ale jest świetne
ach –
Nareszcie, cisza i spokój
jaaaaaa don ddsłownie powiedzał „idź prosto do więzieniaa ”
To jest coś co @DrużynaDonnie nazywają Komora Izolacji!
Stworzyliśmy go po incydencie ASMR, który stworzył Michelangelo z światu 03
To był najgorszy dzień mojego życia
Planowałem sobie relaksującą sesję ASMR ale zamiast tego musiałem słuchać wściekłego żółwia drapiącego widelcem tablicę i krzyczącego słowa do „Barbie Girl”
iksde CO
Kiedy to się stało???
Wzięliśmy legalną akcje
Dokładnie! Osoby w Komorze Izolacyjnym mogą tylko wysyłać wiadomości w tym kanale, gdzie mają pół godziny na przedstawienie swojej sprawy, zanim cały wyrok wejdzie w życie!
Mogą zrobić cokolwiek myślą pomoże im wyjść
Możemy zrobić takie coś w norze @MaMózg @ChcęMózg żebyśmy mogli zamknąć mikey’a na zawsze
On próbuje włamać się do mojego pokoju abym wpuścił go z powrotem do czatu, więc myślę że powinniśmy to omówić na następnym posiedzeniu zarządu żółwi
Ja, my powinniśmy organizować takie spotkania
Kiedykolwiek moi bracia mają jakieś pomysły, wszyscy po prostu na siebie krzyczymy przy śniadaniu i wygrywa najg��ośniejszy
Ja zawsze wygrywam
hej ja chcę krzyczeć
“posiedzenie zarządu żółwi” sksjsjsks
A to nie wszystko! Stworzyliśmy osobne grupy tylko dla naszych odpowiedników! I nareszcie udoskonaliliśmy rozmowę wideo!
Dla tego jest nowy kanał „wideo czat” a także są one dostępne we wszystkich czatach oprócz tego
Nie ma za co
Nareszcie, donnie! Wasze paplacie o nauce i nudach mnie nudziło
@DrużynaDonnie to jest świetne, macie moją wdzięczność :)
no, to będzie ekstra
Po prostu trzymaj mnie Z DALA od czata mikey’ego
Dzięujei!! Zajęło nam dużo czasu, ale było warto!
Łał, to jest bardzo miłe z waszej strony! Na prawdę nie musiliście!
Po co zadowalać się podstawami, skoro dzięki naszemu doskonałemu intelektowi możemy rozwijać się w nieskończoność!
gdybm nei byl taki ekstydowamy na to @Bootyyyshaker9000 nazwał bym cie mądralą iksde
Nie zapomnij że mam moc cię wysłać do Komoru Isolacji z Michelangelem, drogi bliźniaku
czy dlatego toster jest zepsuty @Mądrala??? bo pracowałeś nad tym???
Znowu zepsuliście toster???
A tu myślałem że miałem szansę się relaksować -_-
E tam, ty lubisz robić pierdoły jak budowanie tosterów
Następnym razem nie pozwolimy leowi go używać
Nie wiem czemu, ale raczej ciebie nie wierzę
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: zrzut ekranu czegoś, co wygląda na podróbkę Discorda, zatytułowany „Komora Izolacji”. Znajduje się w nim ta sama wiadomość spamowana w kółko: „WYPUŚĆ MNIE” autorstwa 03 Michelangelo. Wiadomości są powoli pisane coraz bardziej chaotycznie.]
Chcę być wypuszczony.
ktoś my pomóc!
@Mądrala Poprosiłem żebyś naprawił toster wieki temu :(
I to nie moja wina że się psuje kiedykolwiek go urzywam
Wsadziłeś do niego łyżkę
No bo mój tost utknął w tosterze a mówią że nie powinno wsadzać noży do tostera
Potrzebowałem czegoś żeby go wyjąć
ten tost był weglem
Wcale że nie!
@KapitanLeo jak myślałeś że łyżka by pomogła, jestem cziekawy
Ale to brzmi trochę jak Niebieski
nie miłe
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: bryła czarnej sadzy]
@KapitanLeo czy to wygląda jak tost dla ciebie???
“tylko trochę podpalone”
Jak ci się to udało zrobić z tosterem???
Nie widzę żadnego problemu!
To normalny tost!
To wygląda toksyczne
daj to naszemu Mikeowi
Prawdopodobnie by to zjadł gdybyś mu dał paczkę miśków
Co to jest???
Okej teraz mnie atakujecie :(
>> Komora Izolacji <<
[Nagranie Głosu]
[Nieczytelne krzyki]
[Nagranie Głosu]
[“WYPUŚĆ MNIE!” Mikey krzyczy w rózniących się tonach, za blisko mikrofonu więc brzmi bardzo zniekształcono. Powtarza się w kółko, zanim nagle urywa się.]
Michelangelo Splinterson od WSZECHŚWIAT_03, zostałeś postawiony przed sądem, aby bronić swojego honoru i odwołać się od wyroku 120 minut w Komorze Izolacyjnej.
Będziesz miał pół godziny na przedstawienie swojej sprawy Radzie Donów, gdzie zostaniesz osądzony na podstawie siły argumentacji, filozofii i talentu. Możesz to zrobić w dowolny sposób.
Jeśli uznamy Twoją argumentację za godną szacunku, wypuścimy Cię z Izolacji, gdzie będziesz mógł ponownie dołączyć do wszystkich czatów.
Trzeci Donatello z tej Rady jest zajęty, więc my będziemy jedyni z człąkow z Rady z którymi będziesz się dzisiaj kłócić.
Masz pół godziny.
Użyj twój czas mądrze.
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: bardzo powiększone zdjęcie twarzy Klunk, tak że widoczne są tylko jej oczy i pysk. Jej oczy są rozszerzone, patrzy się prosto w kamerę. Obraz jest nieco zamazany na krawędziach.]
Przekonał mnie
>>Radza Donów<<
Wypuśćiłem twojego brata @MaMózg
Miał świetny argument
Mistrz w manipulacji
Powiedział jedno słowo
Świetny argument
@Mądrala czy jesteś wolny? Jeszcze nam nie opowiadłesz o twoim ulubionym dinozaurze lub grzyba i jestem ciekawy
Nie dręcz go! Prawdopodobnie jest zajęty naprawianiem tostera.
Nie mam czasu rozmawiać, sorki
Muszę chłopakom naprawiać rzeczy
Ciągle jesteś zajęty nudnymi rzeczami jak naprawianie tosterów
Wszyscy wiemy, że naprawiliśmy toster, zanim nauczyliśmy się chodzić
Nie chcę się wytrącać w nie swoje sprawy, ale Fiolet ma rację. Zauważyłem że twoi braci byli trochę… dokuczliwi jak ci pytali o naprawianiu tego tostera?
Nic nie szkodzi jak nie chcesz o tym rozmawiać, ale wyglądało że byli trochę insensytywni gdy spędzałeś taki długi czas w pomaganiu nam z programowaniem tego czatu
Czy ty w ogóle dostajesz czas na twoje własne sprawy??
Wszystko jest okej.
Po prostu nie byłem wystarczająco szybki w naprawach tego dnia. Moi bracia byli sfrustrowani tylko dlatego, że zawsze mam dla nich rozwiązanie i tak właśnie jest.
@Bootyyyshaker9000 Jestem zbyt zajęty utrzymywaniem nory w porządku i robieniem własnych rzeczy
Moi bracia szanują moje życzenie, gdy coś zepsują to przyjdą do mnie po pomoc ale to nie konieczność.
Rozumią że mam swoje małe projekty w którymi często przesadzam.
Nie chciałem, żeby to zabrzmiało krytycznie w stosunku do twoich braci! Chciałem tylko podzielić się swoją perspektywą :)
Twoi bracia mogą się odpierdolić
Pomposity przestań naprawiać rzeczy dla nich
To nie twój obowiązek żeby zawsze mieć odpowiedź, i nie powinieneś zawracać sobie głowy zmianą planu zajęć, żeby poprawić sytuację wtedy, gdy uznają to za najwygodniejsze
Urządzenie kuchenne są takie… prymitywne. W twoim miejscu bym oszalał
Na prawdę wszystko jest okej. Moja odpowiedzialność jest naprawianie ich problemy, i to tyle.
Trzeba używać ten mózg na coś produktywnego
Muszę wrócić do pracy
Nie powinniśmy wtrącać się w twoje osobiste sprawy, rozumię
Ja nie
Spodziewałem się.
Przestałem naprawiać rzeczy dla moich bracia i wiesz co się stało? Nauczyli się być ostrożni. I nigdy żaden z nich nie marudził do mnie że jestem ‚za wolny’ w moich naprawach, albo że czegoś nie wiem.
Twoi bracia brzmią jak dupki.
Fiolet! Wystarczy!
Wolałbym o tym nie rozmawiać.
Zmieńmy temat
Ulubiony dinozaur?
Stegozaur. Są proste, ale fascynujące.
Kocham stegozaury! Mam kilka faktów o nich!
Porównajmy notatki
Powinienem mieć czas na to, to jest ważne
Dinozaury zawsze są ważne, przyjacielu
Yo, this is sick!
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pealingpetals · 2 months ago
Hello! Can I get Dabi/Hawks with 36 on your Wrapped? Or maybe Baron from the Baronies? Whatever swims your boat C:
36: Glitter 2 by Daisy the Great
send a character & a number 1-100 for some art with them corresponding to the song on my Spotify top 100!! :)
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h00tzz · 7 months ago
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I return with: more gay old dudes, (mostly) ocs edition
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Bikini Transgineer... amen
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in-a-cave-with · 2 years ago
the stan lee quote of "i wanted to give myself a challenge to make the readers like a weapons manufacturer industrialist character at the height of the cold war" etc gets passed around a whole lot but nobody ever talks about how he actually went about solving this challenge which is to give the weapons manufacturer industrialist severe mental health issues
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batsplat · 7 months ago
so in assen 2004 comms talk about how valentino helped melandri with riding yamaha A Lot, and how they are two great friends. and indeed those two have known each other since childhood/or at least their teens right? (seen a lot of their photos w matching terrible dye jobs) but then fast forward to 2010 and melandri is going full conspiracy theorist about the freaking chair affghhhkgjk. like what happened here? is it any interesting or is it like mostly one sided bitterness from melandri or something. like that can’t really be about 2005 season for vale bc come on melandri wasn’t his main rival that year.
even if it’s not interesting feud or drama wise it is another friendship that vale had (and unlike w sete vale&melandri go way back) that eventually fell apart as a result of competing in motogp…….hm
yeah, we don't actually have a great sense of what happened there! it's funny the coldness seems to have crept in during the 2005 season specifically, because I'm very much with you here on the 'come on valentino why bother' stance - melandri was aggressively not a proper title contender that season and really not even the main on-track rival... but actually I do think this fits in rather nicely within my sete thesis, which we'll get to. the subsequent public bitterness has been entirely one-sided, with melandri occasionally saying something kinda mean-spirited about valentino in recent years and valentino... not doing any of that
anyhow, they definitely WERE close, which was hammered home not just through repeated mentions by the commentators but also when you read the columns he was dictating every race for mat oxley in his early years. here, from his 250cc days:
mugello 1998
I wasn’t so confident before Mugello because while I was at home I played football and lost, I played tennis and lost, I rode motocross and lost. The only thing I won was minicars – I am the champion! We got beaten in a five-a-side soccer match, six-one, then a friend beat me at tennis, six-one, then Marco [Melandri] beat me at motocross. I’m always fighting with Marco on motocross but he’s faster than me. I’m getting better though – at the start of the year he’d beat me by five or six seconds, now it’s only one or two. I have much fear when I ride motocross because I’m not good at flying. We don’t go crazy; it would be stupid to get hurt doing that. Motocross is great for my muscle power though. I don’t go the gym much in the summer because I want to be outside, so motocross is perfect.
paul ricard 1998
As usual, my break between Mugello and France was full of battles with my friends! First we played football and my team won on penalties. I scored the winner. I never make a mistake from the penalty spot. Next day I did motocross with Melandri and he beat me, as usual, but we had some very funny races. Then I raced with Melandri again, but with electric cars. He’s bought a Honda NSX – it’s fast. Before I left for France we raced minimoto at a track in Rimini. There were about 20 of us: me, Melandri and a load of fast, young Italian riders. We had a lot of really crazy battles. Lots of fun! I don’t think it’s dangerous because the bikes aren’t so fast, maybe 60kp/h. I had some big fights with Melandri, we hit each other all the time – BANG! BANG! BANG! – and we crashed together maybe two or three times.
madrid 1998
I’m doing motocross three times a week now to help build up strength, but Melandri is still faster than me, so I’ve started practising in secret. I get dressed into my motocross gear, then ring him to tell him we don’t need to ride today, then do a few hours riding in secret! Soon I will be faster than him! Anyway, I beat him in minimoto before we went to Jarama.
assen 1998
“Hooray, finally I am first on a 250! It was the day of the teenager at Assen, the Italian teenager! I was so happy when my friend Melandri won the 125 race, so it was fantastic to go out and win the 250. A perfect day, except Marco and me couldn’t party on Saturday night, because I flew home to celebrate with my friends, while he stayed at Assen. I guess we’ll make sure we have a beer together before Donington.
donington 1998
We had our own paddock World Cup at Donington on Thursday, which was really shit, because we played three games and lost three games. I played in the Italian team with Melandri, Boscoscuro, Scalvini, Locatelli, Borsoi and Carpani. First we played the Suzuki 500 team and lost, then we played Team Rainey and lost, and finally we played Dorna, and lost. Dorna were all Spanish and very good. But the games weren’t so much fun because the pitch was tiny and really bumpy. Last year we had the paddock World Cup at Imola on a full-size pitch, and I scored twice. Nice!
sachsenring 1998
Now we have a four-week holiday before Brno, but I’m going to spend most of my time on the beach near my home – it’s sunny and the girls are nice, that’s all I need! But I am going away for one week – a racers’ holiday with Loris Reggiani, Roberto Locatelli and Melandri. We’re going to Tunisia to mess about with jet skis and fast boats. Should be a lot of fun!
sepang 1999
The winter was fun. Usually I don’t like the winter because it’s too cold, but where I live, near the Adriatic coast, there are so many people in the summer. That didn’t used to be a problem, but now everyone recognises me, so it’s Rossi! Rossi! Rossi! all the time. I don’t like it! I spent a lot of time with my friends, as that’s when I’m happiest. We went skiing a few times, a big gang of us. Mad! Snowboarding is more fashionable nowadays but I’m faster on skis, so it’s better! Melandri came with me once, he’s my best mate in the paddock, plus Alessandro Brannetti, a new Italian 125 guy.
mugello 1999
Before Mugello I spent some time at home, riding my 250 road bike and going motocrossing. I have a new motocross bike at home, but I can’t tell you what it is, because it’s not an Aprilia! But it’s a lot of fun on the new motocross track I’ve built behind a friend’s house. I dug the ground myself with a JCB digger we hired. I have designed the track to be safe for me, because modern motocross tracks have near-vertical take-off jumps, which are very dangerous if you don’t have good control in the air. And I don’t! So I’ve built low and fast jumps which I can take in fourth or fifth gear and be safe. Big fun! I’m looking forward to racing my friend Melandri, who hasn’t been doing motocross since he broke his wrist in Malaysia.
sachsenring 1999
Now we have a four-week holiday, hooray! All I really want to do is sleep. During the break last year I went to Tunisia with a bunch of friends like Melandri, but all I want to do now is stay home and rest. My home is near a holiday resort anyway, near the Adriatic Sea, but to be honest I don’t like the sea so much. I prefer snow...”
argentina 1999
I already have some plans for the winter. The World Championship may have finished, but I already have two more races over the next few weeks. No rest yet! First is the X Race at Misano. This is a special event for GP and world Superbike riders. I’m racing go-karts, motocross and cars with [Carl] Fogarty, Melandri, Capirossi, Harada and a lot of other guys. They ran this event for the first time last year and I won it. It’s only fun of course but I want to win again because winning is always important. Then at the end of November I’m doing a car rally at Monza.
so yeah, clearly close buddies! I'm sure there's more out there about their friendship, but I've never been that invested in digging into the details lol. about the collapse of the relationship... well, there's this from the barker biography, which kinda lumps melandri into a generic section about valentino's rivals:
Marco Melandri, who had been a close friend of Rossi's for years before he started winning races in 2005, noted the same shift in attitude: 'When I started to race well with him he changed a lot. When we were growing up we were very good friends. Valentino plays games with everybody... the way he talked to the media - he tries to never say something good about you.'
in 2007, after valentino had finally lost a title fight (and was in the process of losing another), there's another oxley column where a few key figures like his teammate edwards, his rival hayden, and his crew chief jb were asked about what made valentino so good. and valentino's crew chief jb was kind enough to give his own take on the melandri dynamic:
“He only uses mind games when people make a serious challenge, then he pulls out that extra tool in his armoury, which he did with Max, with Sete and to a lesser degree with Marco. Then there’s Loris, who is also serious challenge, but there’s a different understanding between them, there’s a respect. When I first worked with Valentino he was mates with Marco. Whenever there was a dinner or a party, Marco was always there. When Marco came to MotoGP it was still fine, then when there was any sort of a challenge their friendship cooled off a bit."
and then by 2010 you get melandri be like. full yellow chair conspiracy theorist. now, he also mentions how his own celebrations were received, and we do actually have jorge himself give his review of said celebrations a few years earlier (x, x):
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I don't really have a point here, I just think it's funny
whereas from valentino's side.... well, there's really not much. his autobiography goes until the end of 2004 and is published in 2005 - so if melandri was already a 'proper' rival when the book was finalised, it will have been a very recent thing... but there's literally one reference to melandri in the whole thing, and it's something generic to do with the yamaha's development. valentino himself has said pretty much fuck all about this friendship falling apart. it's a bit frustrating because... when melandri says that valentino tries never to say anything good about you in the media - look, that's probably referring to something substantive, but we don't really know what exactly valentino supposedly said. we just have to take melandri at his word.... when you go that far back, it's a lot trickier to hunt down specifics if it's not a big news story, if there's not been a major controversy
you do have this from mid 2005:
"No. I think this is not true," replied Rossi, when asked if he deliberately avoided friendships with his closest rivals. "With Melandri, when this year he start to go fast, especially the Italian journalists, try to put some bad things between us - to make fight like what happened between Biaggi and Doohan. "But I go to speak to Melandri after Shanghai, on the podium, because I say one thing and the Italian journalists they modify and say to him another thing - and also the same journalists come to me and make the same. "I know Marco from minibikes when we were friends - we've been friends for more than ten-years - so I try to keep a good relationship because I don't like a bad relationship with anybody," he insisted. "For sure I have had a bad relationship with Biaggi and Gibernau but I don't think that is the right result."
now, according to the article, there were already rumours at the time that the relationship had grown colder that year. which is mainly funny insofar as valentino had quite literally double melandri's points - and the latter still hadn't won a race. again. what's the point
which, well. I do think jb's mention of capirossi is kinda interesting, as another rival valentino had known forever and one who wasn't like. dramatically less likely than melandri to end up a serious challenger to valentino, beyond being a bit older already. jb mentions they have an "understanding", a "respect" between the two of them... it's also maybe worth bringing in what hayden, the man who had actually managed to beat him in 2006, had to say about valentino for the same oxley piece:
“I can’t say it’s just his approach that makes him good. Some guys take their racing real serious, others are really laid back, it’s whatever works for that rider. But regardless of whatever he does he definitely gets around the track fast, that’s what’s most important. “One thing I noticed when we were team-mates is that he looks like it’s fun, fun, fun, he definitely cuts up a lot, but once you’re in the garage that dude is so serious, so focused. Everything seems perfect, right down to the windscreen sticker and the colour of his boots. He doesn’t overlook anything and I think that’s a big part of it. “More than anything it’s the racer in him that makes him so strong, it’s obvious the guy wants to win. He’s got a lot of natural talent but I know a lot of guys with natural talent and it gets some guys in trouble. It’s the whole package that makes him strong: the desire, the focus, the talent. “I think sometimes maybe he’s not as laidback as he comes across. He knows what to say and when to say it to make it look like things aren’t really getting to him. He knows how to play it, on the bike and off the bike. “It’s hard to say what he’s like with mind games because I can only comment on how he’s been with me and I’ve never seen him play any games with me, especially last year when he was taking chunks out of my points lead. The guy didn’t really change, maybe he just knew that I wasn’t going to roll over. Maybe some of the guys he can break down mentally, maybe he knew it wasn’t going to get to me. “Him and JB (Jeremy Burgess) haven’t won all those titles just through his riding, they know how to play people, they know how to play their cards, when to show their hand, when not to show their hand. I don’t think he plays as many games as other guys – you don’t need to play a lot of games when you can ride like that.“ "On track sure he’s aggressive but he’s totally clean and he definitely has a lot of tactics. He knows when he wants to race just one guy, how to separate groups, how to slow down. Like Phillip Island in 2005 I was on him the whole race and he eventually saw that he wasn’t going to get away, so he slowed down, brought the next group up to us to get me caught up with them, then tried to make another break. He’s got a lot of race craft. “I’d say his biggest strength is that he can adapt. If the tyres go off and he needs to slide he can slide, when the bike need to be ridden in line he can ride in line, he can definitely adapt to situations. I can’t say there’s one area of his riding where he just kills guys. It’s not just braking or corner speed or this or that, I’d just say that when he’s in a rhythm and putting those laps down he can break a guy. Like at Jerez this year he broke Pedrosa by about half a tenth a lap, he just kept putting those laps down, riding on that edge. He doesn’t ride 95 per cent, he rides on that razor edge for a long time. “I don’t know about weaknesses, it’s hard for me to point out a guy’s weakness when he’s won all those championships. In fact I’m not going to say he’s got any weak points because I don’t need to motivate the guy! That’s why I don’t want to say anything negative, I’m a big believer in not motivating these guys anymore, that’s why I don’t talk trash.”
like, you do have to bring up the context that valentino had four title rivals in 2006 - melandri, hayden, capirossi and dani - and he really only seems to have cooled off towards one of them. I'm not saying it's melandri's fault! I think it's more... hm, it's a bit telling, isn't it? competitively, there's not really any reason for melandri to be singled out in any way. I mean, you'll note he didn't win the title - and the guy who did explicitly says he didn't think valentino was fucking with him. valentino says in 2005 that he's made an active effort to not let the melandri relationship get worse... which could be true insofar as he didn't want any drama, but clearly he did allow that friendship to grow cold. why do that? is melandri really such a threat? I feel like if valentino said something particularly egregious about melandri, we would have some kind of a record of it - but let's say he was just mildly bitchy about the guy. you'd want to take him to one side and tell him 'dude, you really needn't bother', right? like, no offence, but is THIS guy worth it?
except. well. it is a little interesting that in the immediate aftermath of 2004, valentino had another friend of his (who he had considerably more history with than his last title rival) head over to honda gresini, turn into a more serious challenger... and valentino went. 'hm, yeah, maybe let's not do that again.' whether consciously or subconsciously, he does seem to have drawn back from melandri a hell of a lot quicker than he did from sete - and let's not forget that sete was actually beating him in dramatic last lap duels, which melandri extremely did not do. now, look, of course there COULD have been some sort of private spat here that nobody involved ever talked about... or maybe valentino just decided for completely unrelated reasons he'd had enough of melandri. but isn't it just. a little noteworthy. that when it comes to the 2006 title rivals, valentino is on good terms with all of them, who he seemingly does not piss off too badly with any sort of off-track antics... except melandri. his coldest relationship is with his childhood friend. one might conclude that melandri was the one who had the most power to hurt valentino, if he had been allowed to remain close. one could argue that there the sete rivalry marked a bit of a turning point in terms of how valentino approached his rivalries, that after this point he really didn't want another rivalry that could affect him in the same way. one might point out that some of the details of the melandri rivalry sure feel like they could be used to back up this framing
all that being said. what valentino is doing here is... well, it's basically fine, isn't it. everyone and their dog agrees it's tough to remain friends with your actual close rivals. jb describes it as their friendship 'cooling off', which is also the kind of thing that can just... eventually happen with childhood friends, even when you don't have pressures of competition warping interpersonal dynamics. there's not all that much to suggest valentino was massively treating melandri differently from any of his other major rivals at the time - it's just that his prior relationship had been closer and melandri seems to have taken the shift poorly. given how little of a paper trail there is, it feels like any mind games on valentino's part were generally on the subtler side, perhaps just the occasional snide comment or insinuation or ambiguously shady line that never made it to an article we can still access nowadays. more in line with what nicky "I don't think he plays as many games as other guys" hayden is describing: how valentino knows how to play his cards without necessarily escalating it into full out war. when melandri's talking about the rivalry, at times he does seem less annoyed by anything valentino actually did than he is by the media pressure of being an italian rival of valentino's, of being subjected to a more hostile media environment tan valentino, etc etc. after a certain point, valentino was often a passive beneficiary of his own successes in that regard. it's not like he's telling the italian journalists to put extra pressure on melandri... but he's also hardly going to complain
in general, the timing of it does have a certain charm to it as useful evidence for my great big 'the sete experience changed how valentino approached his rivalries' thesis, but I'm always a tad wary of analyses that flatten valentino's rivalries and by extension valentino by treating the patterns of behaviour in each as identical. it's also worth pointing out that... well, melandri isn't exactly a neutral source here, and his 2010 great big yellow chair theory does maybe suggest his resentment was getting in the way of his judgement where valentino was concerned. in the end, people didn't enjoy melandri's celebrations as much as melandri would have liked. and at some point in 2005, valentino apparently decided he didn't like this guy's vibe any more. c'est la vie
#trying to find a diplomatic way of saying I never exactly got the impression melandri was the sharpest tool in the shed#and I failed which is why I'm putting it in the tags#idt jorge has ever managed to say anything as quietly devastating as the lines “but he never managed to make it as funny”#and “but the chair was green”. like it's so understated so un-jorge but he randomly struck that man stone cold dead. twice#jb's such a fun presence he's so matter of fact about it. yeah fair enough my boy will occasionally crank out the mind games if he has to#very target-oriented man. he's basically fine with anything if he thinks it'll help valentino win - from partying to mind games#this is why I still stand by my thesis he would've been a positive influence in 2015 and told valentino to just. cut it off occasionally#all this pit board faffing about he would've put a stop to y'know. plus you've got to keep the mind games productive#//#brr brr#batsplat responds#this says more about my own competitive impulses than anything else but I am. so aggressively fine with how vale handled this relationship#if it helps you to not be friends with a guy to beat him then... don't be friends with him...? dude none of my business that's the job#the biography is so LAZY on this like yes I get you maybe don't have the space for the psychological deep dive here#but if you're just throwing together a quote from sete and melandri and casey and call it a day it's a bit. well these are different things#character flaw this character flaw that well this is a Sport. we are here to Win. if it helps him win that's the main thing innit#//clt
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okay weird q incoming but what ways do you think speedsters can get sick? Like to my understanding, they can’t really come down with normal virus’ like the flu, right? But they could get things like chronic migraines?
NANOBOTS!!! This is one of the best pieces of canon lore ever. I did a whole post on it but TLDR: normal human metabolisms have so much shit going on that they don't even notice nanobots in their body BUT speedsters have hyper accelerated metabolisms that are the equivalent of the straight A's overachiever in school on meth. So speedster metabolisms do notice nanobots and they attack full force, triggering all of the body's defenses and responses.
But the nanobots are metal so it obviously doesn't do anything. It just leaves the speedster lethargic, feverish, vomiting, dizzy, with a headache, sore muscles and a runny nose, ect. It's basically an allergic reaction.
Now, poisoning them can work depending on what the poison is/what the dosage is. You would need a 100% fatal poison and you would need a fairly high dose. Because speedsters heal fast and they have a hyper accelerated metabolism, so any poison that is based on toxicity (alcohol poisoning for example) would be out of their system faster than it could even take effect.
But poisons that can't be cleared out/processed by the body (take cyanide for example, it binds with the chemical receptors in your body making it physically impossible to use oxygen) wouldn't really be affected by their metabolism at all. So while the speedsters could heal the damaged tissues from these poisons fairly quickly (making it seem as though they were only slightly affected) they would ultimately need time to do so, time they would not have if it kills them first. This isn't technically what you are asking because there would be no substance that 'makes them sick', there would only be 'fine', 'not fine for like a minute and then fine again' and 'dead'. (... unless they were hooked up to a steady supply of the toxin)
Likewise, (this is getting more into theoretical territory, less canon) there might be some illnesses that would affect them? Not for long but if you got something super fucking fatal like Rabies, it might make them display mild cold symptoms for a day or something.
I don't know though. They have really fucking good immune systems. And even super fatal diseases can be fought. Take my example of Rabies, while it is commonly thought to be 100% fatal once symptoms show up there actually have been cases of people surviving it. Rabies is a very stealthy and fast disease, so the main problem with treating it is that your body's immune system isn't fast enough to stop it. People have survived by being placed in medically induced comas (slowing their bodily functions and thus the disease) for long enough that the medication can eradicate it. So for a speedster? That's gone in a minute tops. You would need an insane disease that I'm not sure even exists.
There's also like... pregnancy and menstruation. Growing pains, muscle pain from running is a BIG ONE, being dehydrated/starvation, blood loss, ect. Lots of ways to fuck with a speedster in a way they can't immediately fix.
There are also speedster specific ailments. It's basically 50/50 if a natural born speedster gets a weird highly fatal aging disease. Sometimes speedsters can be born without a kinetic energy shield which makes using their powers at all incredibly fatal to them. All speedsters will have connectivity issues at some point that can be fatal. Sometimes Time Gets Bad™ (shout out to when Barry kept chronically stealing time from people/things every time he used his powers). Sometimes they have too much energy and can't maintain human form (shout out to when Wally didn't know what the speedforce was and was accidentally cosplaying Ghost Rider). Velocity 9 is a highly addictive drug that works on speedsters and makes them display typical addiction behavior (and withdrawal). V9 can also cause a speedster to 'overdose' (burst into flames/lightning/energy). They all have the constant urge to yeet themselves into the speedforce. Ect.
#here's the thing: they are made of speedforce but its not a skin deep thing. you feel me? like their CELLS are made of speedforce#so all shit still affects them#i keep saying that they don't need oxygen or food to survive and thats true but its only if they're actively compensating with speedforce#cause they can get energy from the speedforce or they can get energy from oxygen and food or both. they can't do neither#and they don't really *know* or understand that theyd be fine with JUST speedforce energy. they still think they need oxygen and food#so if they were suffocating or something they might instinctively crank up the speedforce to compensate but they're also very stupid#so they might just die. idk it really depends on who it is how much they know and how much SF they're drawing on#cause like... energy beings need energy yo#i hope this makes sense#the muscle pain one is interesting cause Wallys early runs are really big on the whole hitting the wall thing#he would hit a wall that he physically couldn't break through and it caused him a lot of pain.#some of that was not being hooked up properly cause Wally wasn't hooked up properly until he was an ADULT#because he is FUCKING INSANE and he just went 'huh i guess this is my limit and i will stay below it' liKE AN INSANE PERSON#anyway some of it was SF issues and some of it was mental but he actually got really really hurt anytime he got close to the wall#REALLY bad muscle pain. and like... it was potentially extremely fatal. 'breaking down your body into little bits' fatal#he doesn't get that anymore because hes properly hooked up now but jfc that man treated 'entering the death zone' like it was#the high score to beat at his local arcade. he took it as a fucking challenge. absolutely insane dude right there
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your--isgayrights · 8 months ago
I'm rereading my comedy hanahaki fic and the funniest thing about it is that I honestly did look into the flower symbolism of all the different kinds of flower petals he throws up to represent his feelings and because my commentary point is that normal people can't identify flowers by their mucus drenched petals all of that specific research and reference DOES NOT MATTER and has NO effect on my experience as a reader of my own work who no longer remembers the specifics of said research... Like I mention the color of every petal he barfs up and it means NOTHING until the end lmaoooo
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heynhay · 2 years ago
How do you pump out art so frequently? I need to know pls
i was gonna answer this w a meme but i dont want anyone to go insane trying to replicate it so im gonna be genuine for a minute
if you mean like, how do i have time to pump out art, im lucky enough to only need to work like 30some hours a week and on top of that im living with my parents for the summer between school yrs so i also dont have to expend much time on day to day upkeep/errand running. its literally just that im fortunate enough to be able to afford downtime. it also means i have more energy from not doing those things so when downtime comes around i can use it on this stuff instead of sleeping or whateva
if you mean like, how do i find the inspiration? god only knows. this affliction descended upon my nigh a week ago now and has yet to relent. if you scroll down past that youll see i posted like. once every month or two. i guess just find your blorbos, anon
Oh! but while im on the advice giving train: publish garbage! publish linework with mismatched edges, draw arms that you know don't look quite right, release work you're pretty sure you'll hate later. If you can. its not always possible but like normalizing the messiest unfinished stuff can do wonders, because its just nice to see your idea come to life.
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chameleonsynthesis · 5 months ago
Once again the easiest way to deal with a problem proves to be just removing myself from the situation entirely.
If you blast music on your phone without headphones, the people sharing public transit with you should be allowed to smash it.
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crank2006 · 9 months ago
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chev chelios if you can hear us
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saltynametag · 1 year ago
me learning about the amazing digital circus: oh there’s so much fanart and theories about it, i wonder how far along it is…
me now: ITS ONE EPISODE?????????
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vitospaghetta · 8 months ago
Ok I keep kicking this back and forth so I'm gonna leave it up to a poll just to gauge what you guys think.
I would want to approach this in as non-argumentative a way as possible, with the purpose of course being to clear up misconceptions about their canonicity, as well as to give people a better understanding of how media like this exists alongside their source material.
What I've written here would be the foundation of the post, so there would be some overlap, but it would definitely be more in-depth, using examples from film novelizations and video game novelizations that I personally own, drawing comparisons from film clips or screenplays and corresponding cutscenes.
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pankomako · 2 years ago
i would pay actual money to see these three on stream together. three new englander gamers with very little sanity left
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saintridden · 2 years ago
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more corpse paint p1 because i have literally nothing to do
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gibbearish · 1 year ago
it is fascinating seeing ppl say "if you still vote biden just bc he's protected trans rights youre putting your own rights above that of the other people he'll kill" bc i'm like. well that operates under the assumption the Not Biden Option won't be killing those same other people Plus Trans People and given the history of presidents i would say that is a. how should i say this. wild fucking assumption? like idk framing it as "hello transgender, would you rather kill a bunch of non-americans or a bunch of fellow trans people. oh, you don't want to kill trans people? so you personally want to kill non-americans? racist selfish piece of shit" seems uhhhhh disingenuous at absolute best and a psyop at worst
#like my dudes we are literally in the trolley problem as we speak#do you think we like. enjoy living in a country where voting is just 'which one do you think will kill less people'?#ur standing there saying 'if you pull the lever then the guy who tied those people to it will take that as a sign he did the right thing'#and its like. idk i dont think he wouldve tied them there to begin with if he didn't already think he was in the right i gotta be real w u#or honestly its less the trolley problem and more just#'you have access to the orphan crushing machine control panel. theres no off switch but there is a speed dial which is cranked all the way#up. do you turn it down?'#where if you try to turn it down someone will pop up going 'youre such a piece of shit for killing those orphans by adjusting the speed#rather than destroying the machine'#and if you try to point out that the machine is a trillion times bigger than you‚ is made of titanium‚ and has defensive turrets#that gets brushed off as making excuses#and its like.. well ok why arent /you/ destroying it then asshole youre just standing around talking about how#eomeone should blow it up already but youre not even willing to turn down the dial much less actually blow it up#and i dont think turning down the dial does tell the guy who made the machine that it was a good machine to make‚ actually#and especially given how many other people are in their control rooms cranking the dial higher and higher‚ yeah i think ill turn mine down#origibberish
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rosemary-bells · 2 years ago
nangong xu: *lore drop* goodb
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